This comprehensive step-by-step guide takes you on a journey to create an abundant, purpose-driven life full of joy and satisfaction. It takes you on a journey to life transformation based on your needs and values.
Below is a list of published segments and a timeline of upcoming releases. The timeline is an estimate (one segment weekly). However, the actual publishing dates may vary.
If you want to be informed when each segment gets live, subscribe to receive email updates.

“My deepest desire is that whatever you will take from my work will improve your life as it improved mine and lives of many others. “
— Lubo, Tree of Life Quest Founder
Published segments:

How To Change Your Life
Life transformation is about altering your life circumstances and actions to align with who you are, your needs and values. Using the Tree of…

Five Steps to Transform Your Life
There are five steps to reshape your life: discover ~> define ~> design ~> do ~> debug. Below I explain those steps and include Personal…

Tree of Life Quest Framework
Create a life of satisfaction, joy and abundance by applying the simple principles of tree growth to your life. Focus on environment and nutrition,…

Why and How I Created the Tree of Life Quest
After immense turmoil in my life, I embarked on a quest to learn how to create and live an abundant life. Life of purpose,…

Four Levels of Life Awareness
Your mindset shapes your life. It’s not about where you come from, how you look, who you know, or your skills. How you view…

1. Soil and Nutrition: Your Mindset
Your mindset is the combination of your needs, values, beliefs, and attitudes. Together they determine your understanding of the world and yourself. They shape…

What are your Needs
Physiological needs are the things we need to survive (food, water, air, etc.). Psychological needs are the things we need to thrive (certainty, significance,…

What are Your Values
Personal values are our view of how the world should function. They are (just like our personal beliefs) created especially during our early development years….

What are your Beliefs
Personal beliefs are our view of how the world really functions. They are (just like our personal values) created especially during our early development…

How Needs, Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes Impact our Behaviour
The needs, values, beliefs, and attitudes are building blocks of our mindset. They shape our personal behaviour and have a profound impact on the…

How To Improve Your Life And Lives of Others Long-Term: The “Plant a Tree” Method
The “Plant a Tree” method uses the principle of compounding interest to create a massive change to your life or the lives of others…

How To Set a Balance Between Different Types of Actions Across All Life Areas
Unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life stem from lack of control and balance. How do we invest our energy wisely across all life areas to…

Why And How To Find Your Values: A Step-by-Step Guide (& a list of 120+ values to choose from)
Knowing our values enables us to PLAN and LIVE an authentic life. They guide our decisions, help us see clearly, and ultimately define our…

List of Values
Over 147 different values to help you find out your core values. It’s divided into five sections: Self, Others, Agency, Experiences, and Things….

Guide publishing timeline:
How To Change Your Life
The first segment explains who the guide is for, what you can get from applying it, how it works, and what you must do to get the best results.
Five Steps to Transform Your Life
Part two explains the 5D process (discover ~> define ~> design ~> do ~> debug) of life transformation and includes real-life personal examples.
Tree of Life Quest Framework
Based on the principles of tree growth, the Tree of Life Quest is a system which enables you to create an abundant life of purpose, joy, and satisfaction.
Why and How I Created Tree of Life Quest
After immense turmoil in my life, I embarked on a quest to learn how to create and live an abundant life. Life of purpose, joy and satisfaction.
Four Levels of Life Awareness
Your mindset determines how you live. Nothing else matters. Not where you are from, not how you look, whom you know or what skills you have.
1. Soil and Nutrition: Your Mindset
Understanding your life starts with knowing who you are and understanding which thoughts are yours and which ideas were planted in your mind by others.
Your Needs: Survive
The needs we have are two-fold. First, we need to Survive.
Your Needs: Thrive
When our survival needs are met, then we start pursuing things to Thrive.
Your Values: What inspires you
Your ValuesPersonal values are our view of how the world should function. They are (just like our personal beliefs) created especially during our early development years. They are updated (reinforced or replaced) through our life experiences and inten... represent how you think the world should function.
Your Purpose: Your Life Vision
Your PurposeYour Purpose refers to Your Identity; who you are. Three parts of the Purpose are:
1. Growth (shall I use a different word?)
2. Honesty to yourself - be YOU, what's the gain in the whole world if you lose yourself?
3. Being found ... refers to your identity; Your Life Vision is your personal Declaration of Independence, your Magna Carta. The Founding Document of your life.
To be continued…
Turning Life Vision into a Life Plan.
Image sources:
- Lubo from Tree of Life Quest: © Tree of Life Quest
- Blackboard with text Your life matters: Image by Brett Sayles from Pexels | Pexels License
- Lubo: © Tree of Life Quest | All Rights Reserved
- 5 steps to change your life: © Tree of Life Quest | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
- Live your dreams – whatever they may be.: Photo by ArtsyBee on Pixabay | Pixabay License
- The growth stages of a tree: seed, seedling, sapling, and tree.: Image by macrovector from Feepik | Freepik Licence
- Dirty ground of soil with small stems: Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels | Pexels License
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.: Wikipedia, User:Factoryjoe | CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported
- The growth stages of a tree: seed, seedling, sapling, and tree.: Image by macrovector from Feepik | Freepik Licence
- harmony: Image by Alexa from Pixabay | Pixabay License
- Man in circle of values: Image by John Hain from Pixabay | Pixabay License
- Tree by the river: Photo by Amal Abdulla from Pexels | Pexels License