This overview of the 5D system is a part of the Guide: How To Change Your Life
There are five steps to reshape your life: discover ~> define ~> design ~> do ~> debug.
Below I explain those steps and include Personal examples from my own transformation journey.
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The five-step process
1. Discover
The first is self-discovery: understanding what motivates or halts you. You need to know who you are to create a life true to yourself. Here we will talk about Your PurposeYour Purpose refers to Your Identity; who you are. Three parts of the Purpose are:
1. Growth (shall I use a different word?)
2. Honesty to yourself - be YOU, what's the gain in the whole world if you lose yourself?
3. Being found ..., NeedsPhysiological needs are the things we need to survive (food, water, air, etc.).
Psychological needs are the things we need to thrive (certainty, significance, connection, etc.).
The importance of each need shifts based on the situat..., and ValuesPersonal values are our view of how the world should function. They are (just like our personal beliefs) created especially during our early development years. They are updated (reinforced or replaced) through our life experiences and inten....
Personal example:
While I worked on my Needs and my Values, I discovered that one of my main values is Helping others.
2. Define
In the second step, you define your Life Vision — you find a way to bring your Needs and Values into the world.
This isn’t about materialistic goals like wanting a house.
Your Life Vision is about declaring to the world who you are and how you want to live.
You will also create your Value Cards. They are a great reminder of what matters to you the most.
Personal example:
When creating my Life Vision I took each Need and Value and asked a few questions. For Helping others I asked:
Q: From things I am interested in and have experience in, what do people need the most?
A: The main regret of dying people is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” 1
I created a framework to live an authentic life which works for me and others.
Q: How can I use it to fulfil that need?
A: “Helping others to live an authentic life and reach their full potential.” (one of my actual value cards)
3. Design
Next comes designing. This is where you translate your Life Vision into Life Plan — a Roadmap with Milestones.
This is a continuous long-term process because a part of the design is prototyping — testing different ideas. During prototyping you dip your toes into the waters of the unknown to find out if the idea you have is viable, if it suits your personality, and if it resonates with who you are. Here we will also talk about your BeliefsPersonal beliefs are our view of how the world really functions. They are (just like our personal values) created especially during our early development years. Personal beliefs are updated (reinforced or replaced) through our experiences a..., AttitudesYour Attitude is the way how you approach a situation. It is the internal mindset, however, it can be shown in an outer display of your emotions. Check How Needs, Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes Impact our Behaviour to see the interaction be..., and MissionYour Mission refers to Your Impact on the world; your actions. Three parts of the Mission are:
1. Care - be the keeper of your brother, not like Kain
2. Creation - bringing things which were not into being
3. Cultivation - keeping ....
Personal example:
During step three – design – I’ve determined that I love to share the Tree of Life Quest framework with others.
What I originally created for myself worked for others too. I love working with people and have experience in adult education. I am able to find the root cause of a problem. Etc. What was the best way to bring all that to life?
Milestone: Become an internationally known Life Coach with online courses, books and personal coaching services helping millions of people to live authentic life and reach their full potential.
Timeframe: 2028
4. Do
In step four you create and execute specific plans.
You take your Life Plan, select a milestone and start building. Here you use and improve your Knowledge, Skills, and Habits.
Personal example:
To become a coach having my framework wasn’t enough. I needed to set up my business; earn necessary certifications; learn effective techniques; set up channels which would encourage people to seek assistance from me; create a website, etc.
As you can see, I am doing the things I planned.
5. Debug
Periodic reviews ensure alignment between who you are and what you do. The winds and currents of life can throw you off the course. But like the navigator of a ship or a plane, you will learn to use the ‘CCC’ process —Constantly Correcting Course— to keep you on track.
Ongoing process
Shaping your life to reflect who you are represents an ongoing journey throughout your lifetime rather than being a finite exercise.
Initial stages (1. – 3.) require deep soul-searching, time, and effort. They might seem daunting at first. But when done right, they create strong foundations. Once done, maintenance and improvement (steps 4. and 5.) become much easier.
1 “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware
What’s next?
In the next article, I will give you an overview of the Tree of Life Quest FrameworkCreate a life of satisfaction, joy and abundance by applying the simple principles of tree growth to your life. Focus on environment and nutrition, grow naturally..
You will discover all the Life Areas, how they are connected, and in what order we will go through them.
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Image sources:
- 5 steps to change your life: © Tree of Life Quest | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International