Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to


Clear your Vision
Plan your Journey
Walk the Path

Tree of Life Quest™
it’s time to be you

Start Your Life Transformation

Transform Your Life

Feeling lost in the chaos of life, not knowing your true purpose?
Do you long for clarity and direction?

Here’s your chance to transform your life in three steps:

Clear your Vision
Plan your Journey
Walk the Path


Tree of Life Quest™

My Mission is to help you unleash your inner potential and live a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

Man journaling

Clear your Vision

Do you truly know yourself? Your ability to create an authentic life depends on it.

  • What are your deepest needs, values, and beliefs?
  • What pulls you forward and what holds you back?
  • What excites you and gives you joy?
  • What angers you and why?
  • What do you stand for?
  • Do you know who you are and what’s your purpose?

Gain clarity on who you are and you’ll gain a clear and compelling Vision for your Life.

It’s written that without a vision people perish.
With a clearly defined Life Vision, you can flourish, because your destination becomes your destiny.

Define Your Life Vision.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Man journaling

Clear your Vision

Do you truly know yourself? Your ability to create an authentic life depends on it.

  • What are your deepest needs, values, and beliefs?
  • What pulls you forward and what holds you back?
  • What excites you and gives you joy?
  • What angers you and why?
  • What do you stand for?
  • Do you know who you are and what’s your purpose?

Gain clarity on who you are and you’ll gain a clear and compelling Vision for your Life.

It’s written that without a vision people perish.
With a clearly defined Life Vision, you can flourish, because your destination becomes your destiny.

Define Your Life Vision.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Plan your Journey

Ever felt like you’re wandering without a map?

What if you could:

  • craft a roadmap that leads to your dreams?
  • achieve your goals with a customized life plan?
  • design a life that aligns with your unique strengths?

What if you could turn your Life Vision into a tangible Life Plan?

A Life Vision is an ideal to strive for, a destination to reach. But the destination doesn’t tell you how to get there.

You need a Roadmap, a plan of how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Tailored to your unique purpose and values. Fueled by your strengths. Enriched with new skills. Signposted with Milestones to help you navigate and track your progress.

Your Life Plan is your playbook, a roadmap to your destination, with rules designed by you, for the authentic you.

Design Your Life Plan.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Road with mist and tree

Plan your Journey

Ever felt like you’re wandering without a map?

What if you could:

  • craft a roadmap that leads to your dreams?
  • achieve your goals with a customized life plan?
  • design a life that aligns with your unique strengths?

What if you could turn your Life Vision into a tangible Life Plan?

A Life Vision is an ideal to strive for, a destination to reach. But the destination doesn’t tell you how to get there.

You need a Roadmap, a plan of how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Tailored to your unique purpose and values. Fueled by your strengths. Enriched with new skills. Signposted with Milestones to help you navigate and track your progress.

Your Life Plan is your playbook, a roadmap to your destination, with rules designed by you, for the authentic you.

Design Your Life Plan.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Road with mist and tree
Man walking towards city

Walk the Path

You’ve defined your vision, you’ve got your plan – but what’s next?

Life’s journey isn’t lived on paper. You have to get up, step out, and walk the path.
And you need to equip yourself for the journey.

  • How do you overcome obstacles and seize opportunities?
  • Where can you find the support and guidance you need?

At every step, you need knowledge, skills, and tools. Some you already have. Some you need to learn, acquire or master.

When you Walk the Path you encounter challenges.
That’s not optional. Everyone does.

During those times it’s easy to lose your way.
To lose sight of who you are.
I did.

That’s what the Milestones are for. To keep you on track.
My problem? I didn’t have a Roadmap.

Now I do.
And you can have yours too.
For free.

Live Your Dream.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Man walking towards city

Walk the Path

You’ve defined your vision, you’ve got your plan – but what’s next?

Life’s journey isn’t lived on paper. You have to get up, step out, and walk the path.
And you need to equip yourself for the journey.

  • How do you overcome obstacles and seize opportunities?
  • Where can you find the support and guidance you need?

At every step, you need knowledge, skills, and tools. Some you already have. Some you need to learn, acquire or master.

When you Walk the Path you encounter challenges.
That’s not optional. Everyone does.

During those times it’s easy to lose your way.
To lose sight of who you are.
I did.

That’s what the Milestones are for. To keep you on track.
My problem? I didn’t have a Roadmap.

Now I do.
And you can have yours too.
For free.

Live Your Dream.
Start Your Life Transformation.

Not sure if this is for you?

Let me ask you a few questions.

Would you enjoy…
✓ Not to pretend to like things you hate?
✓ Not try to be someone you are not?
✓ Not drift around unsure of what you want and where you’re going?
✓ Not to be pushed around and stamped on by everyone else?

Would you like to be unapologetically you?
✓ To know who you are, what you stand for, and what is your purpose?
✓ To look into the future with anticipation of what you are creating?
✓ To live life to the fullest?
✓ To pursue your dreams and explore what intrigues you?
✓ To enjoy your day-to-day life, your job, and your relationships?

If you said yes to any of the questions, are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth?

It’s time to be you, don’t you think?
Start Your Life Transformation.

Man hiding identity behind mask

Not sure if this is for you?

Let me ask you a few questions.

Would you enjoy…
✓ Not to pretend to like things you hate?
✓ Not trying to be someone you are not?
✓ Not being pushed around and stamped on by everyone else?
✓ Not drifting around unsure of what do you want and where you’re going?

Would you like to be unapologetically you?
✓ To know who you are, what you stand for, and what is your purpose?
✓ To look into the future with anticipation of what you are creating?
✓ To enjoy your day-to-day life, your job, and your relationships?
✓ To pursue your dreams and explore what intrigues you?
✓ To live life to the fullest?

Did you say yes to any of the questions?
Then you are ready.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

It’s time to be you,
don’t you think?
Start Your Life Transformation.

Man hiding identity behind mask

Purpose-driven Life

My Mission is to help people like you unleash their inner potential and live a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

That’s why I created the Tree of Life Quest™.

✓ Explore the Change your Life section for concepts and insights into what works and why.
✓ Get practical Quick Tips and Step-by-step Guides in the How To Guides and Tips section.
✓ Subscribe to the Growing Tree of Life Newsletter – Tuesday tips to improve your life.
✓ Dive into the Resources and Recommendations section with biographies, book reviews, podcasts, and more.
✓ Consider Coaching Services by Lubo to accelerate your transformation.
✓ Get ready to join our Walled Garden Community™ for inspiration and connection. (Opens on 11.11.2024 @ 11:11 am GMT)
✓ Keep an eye out for our courses at Growth Academy™. (Opens on 11.11.2024 @ 11:11 am GMT)

My vision is to create a future where every person has access to knowledge, tools, and support to unlock their true potential and live authentic life in harmony with their inner purpose, values and aspirations.
Lubo CoachLubo, Founder of the Tree of Life Quest™
The growth stages of a tree: seed, seedling, sapling, and tree.

Ready to take the plunge?

Let’s prepare the ground, plant the seed, and grow your very own Tree of Life.

Start Your Life Transformation

DIY Resources

Available for free.
Implement it yourself.
How To Guides and Tips
Find out who you are.
Transform your Life.

Personal Coaching

No guesswork.
Personal step-by-step
tailored guidance.
Only for a selected few.

Growth Academy™

Self-paced courses.
Cohort-based courses.
Accountability, support.
Books, video guides.

How does the Tree of Life Quest™ Framework work?

You are in charge

Everyone around you and their grandma is trying to tell you how to live your life.
You are not here to fulfil their dreams. Take your destiny in your hands. Start living your life. Not theirs.

It’s time to be you.
Turn “I should“, “I can’t“, and “I have to” into “I want“, “I can“, and “I will“. If you don’t design your life, someone else will shape it to suit their dreams, not yours. Your destination is your destiny.

Select YOUR destination.
Create YOUR destiny.

Clear direction

No more drifting around, unsure of what you should do or what you want. The biggest enemy of an incredible life is not the hardship of the process. The highest barrier is to know precisely what you want.

You know what you don’t want.
Take it a step further. With the Tree of Life Quest framework, you will discover your Needs, Values, and Beliefs. Define what you want. Find your North Star and use it to navigate you.

Draw YOUR roadmap.
Start YOUR life journey.

Know yourself

This is going to hurt. Getting to know yourself is painful. We tend to idealise who we are.
We tell ourselves stories. And you have to be honest with yourself. Brutally honest. Even if it hurts. But…

You’re also better than you think.
Do it right. And after the first few eye-opening knock-downs, you will realise that there is more to you than meets the eye.
You will find out what your strengths are. You will tap into your potential.

Discover YOUR powers.
Reach YOUR potential.

Purpose and joy

Do you sometimes ask yourself, “Is this it? Is this all there is? Is this how my life will be for the next 20 or 30 years?”
If you do, you are not alone. Most people feel trapped in their life. Life satisfaction is rare. Happiness is reduced to an occasional flash of bliss. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Satisfaction and joy are created.
They are not given. You have to dig deep into your soul. Once you do, you will find happiness and joy. No one can stop you if you know where you are going and refuse to be a mere number on someone else’s balance sheet. It’s in your hands.

Find YOUR purpose.
Give YOUR life happiness.

Balance and harmony

Imagine having a life in which you have everything that matters to you. You enjoy time with your family and friends. You work in a fulfilling, enjoyable job which keeps you sharp and pays well. You go on dates with your partner, keeping romance alive. Your life has meaning. You have everything you dream about.

This doesn’t have to be a dream.
Discover what is important to you.
When you know what you want and what not you balance your entire life. It will bring harmony in all areas. Each area will influence other areas to create a symphony of events you design and enact.

Balance YOUR priorities.
Make YOUR life a symphony.

Stability and control

Living without direction, without a clear destination, is like being swung by a wind from side to side. Every event, anything that happens to you or around you controls your reaction. You are controlled, not in control. When you set your destination and craft your roadmap, you will know where you want to go.

You will be anchored.
Sure, some events might force you to take a detour, but you will keep your focus. No matter what happens, you will take the path to your destination. You will no longer sway from side to side. You will be in control, living the life you chose.

Stand YOUR ground.
Take control of YOUR life.

If you have nothing left to live for…

Thinking about suicide? A special message for you.

I know how it feels. I felt the emptiness. The calling of the void.
I don’t know what your circumstances are. I don’t know how you got there. But I don’t have to. Because I have been there. In the place where I had nothing to lose.

If I wouldn’t be stopped, I would be dead now.

And I can tell you: Don’t give up on your life.
Whatever your circumstances, killing yourself is not a solution.
It’s an escape route.

There are usually at least two other routes of escape. You just don’t see them, because you are blinded by what happened.

Talking with someone who is NOT affected by the situation WILL help.

The Road Through the Darkness

It might be dark where you are now, 
but the sunrise is coming, 
even if you cannot see it yet.

It will get brighter. 
Maybe not today. 
Maybe not this year. 

But it will get better. 
It always does.
When you talk...
Dark misty road lined with trees

Find out about my experience and what I learned from it

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